This curriculum is based on the NC Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) requirements set forth by the North Carolina Department of Justice. NC-CCH currently has reciprocity and is honored in 38 other states (subject to change). This course does not dive so much into the skillsets of shooting defensively per se but rather this class will be geared more towards the laws of conceal carrying within the state of North Carolina as well as the carry/no-carry and shoot/no-shoot type scenarios that may arise. The reason for this is obviously time and to adamantly cover the laws as well as skills required to be a good defensive shooter, we would need to expand this course over multiple days. Therefore, we advise you to take at least our Basic Pistol Course as well as our Defensive Pistol Level 1 at a minimum alongside this course (preferably beforehand but neither is required).
Participants should be prepared to train in all weather conditions and come to class with an open mind and a good attitude! This program is mainly spent within the classroom with about two hours of range time. Class starts at 9am and ends approximately between 6:00 and 6:30pm (with 1hr for lunch).
*NOTE: All classes and training sessions are non-refundable but payments made by students for class dates that they cannot attend for whatever reason can go towards future class dates of eqaul value*
**Sidenote: This unfortunately is a mandatory class (by state law) for any resident in North Carolina to carry a concealed handgun. Also, in order to purchase a handgun within the state of North Carolina a resident only has 2 options available per state law. A resident may either buy a "Purchasers Permit" through their local Sheriff's Department every time they go to purchase a handgun OR they can take the NC CCH Course and obtain a 1-time Conceal Carry permit (mandatorily renewed every 5 years) and purchase handguns with no additional permit purchase requirements as well as with no buying cap or buying limit. Let me say, we wholeheartedly agree that this state requirement is a direct violation of the 2nd Amendment. However, if you'd like to carry a handgun in a concealed manner and want to do so without the worry of breaking state law, we highly advise you to take this course**